About this Site
This site is home to news and information related to the Brooklyn College Library Zine Collection. Our collection began in 2011 and consists of print zines. Our primary focus is upon zines created within or about the borough of Brooklyn, although we also collect other work.
For more information, see About the Collection.
Are you a Brooklyn zine maker? Donate your work!
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Tag Archives: smallpress
Full Circle: UpSet Press and Alumni Zinesters!
Poking about on the internet, I ran across this article from the Brooklyn Rail and knew that I had to get in touch with Zohra Saed and Robert Booras, or UpSet Press. Two parts of the article really caught my … Continue reading
Posted in collectionspotlight
Tagged bclzinecollection, brooklyncollege, brooklynzines, brooklynzinesters, smallpress, spotlight