About this Site
This site is home to news and information related to the Brooklyn College Library Zine Collection. Our collection began in 2011 and consists of print zines. Our primary focus is upon zines created within or about the borough of Brooklyn, although we also collect other work.
For more information, see About the Collection.
Are you a Brooklyn zine maker? Donate your work!
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Category Archives: Zine Fests
Pete’s Mini Zine Fest July 21
July 21 is Zine Library Day. But since our library happens to be closed on that Saturday, we’ll be visiting Pete’s Mini Zine FestĀ at Pete’s Candy Store in Williamsburg instead, and then celebrating our zine collection on the 31st. Hope … Continue reading
Brooklyn Zine Fest in April 2012!
There’s another upcoming NYC zine fest! The Brooklyn Zine Fest will take place on Sunday, April 15, 2012 at Public Assembly. I want to give a huge shout-out to all the folks organizing zine fests in the metropolitan area. Having … Continue reading
Feminist Zinefest NYC 2012!
There will be a Feminist Zinefest in NYC on February 25, 2012! Feminist zinesters are invited to table by emailing: [email protected] More info to come over at the Feminist Zinefest NYC page.