I’m pleased to share the news that Robin Potter, formerly known to this very blog as a Brooklyn College Library Zine Intern, has been named the new Brooklyn College Zine Librarian.
Robin was instrumental to the collection from its infancy, when she volunteered as a zine intern in the summer of 2011. Her astute organizational skills and general craftiness were also essential in curating our exhibition and organizing the collection’s grand opening last summer. Robin’s background in photography and her skills in reference and instruction have made her a librarian who is great not only at discovering new materials for the collection, but she also is able to explain and contextualize the importance of alternative materials in libraries, and zines as works of art.
It has been my pleasure to get to know Robin through working on this collection, and it is really a fabulous thrill that she has been able to transition into this new role. The collection couldn’t be in better hands, and I’m looking forward to what is to come under Robin’s care.
Robin is also excited to continue to work with Brooklyn College professors, students and classes that would like to work with the zine collection–she welcomes new collaborations and project ideas. So say hello if you see Robin at the library, or at the next zine fest or event, and get in touch if you have any questions she can help with!