Press Release: Brooklyn College Library Unveils Zine Collection

For Immediate Release

Brooklyn College Library Unveils Zine Collection: 

Opening Celebration to Include Zine Readings and Exhibition,

July 31, 2012 7-9pm

Brooklyn, NY — In celebration of the newly-established Brooklyn College Library Zine Collection, an opening celebration will be held on Tuesday, July 31 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, in Brooklyn College Library’s Christoph M. Kimmich Reading Room (1st floor). The event, which is open to the public, will feature zine readings, refreshments, an exhibition, and will represent the official unveiling of the browsing collection.

Zines (a contraction of “magazines”) are independent publications often authored/assembled by an individual or small group, reproduced on a photocopier, and distributed inexpensively in small runs, or traded from person to person. Zine collections are increasingly being established by librarians and archivists in an effort to include underrepresented perspectives and unique points of view in library collections.

The exhibition, entitled Fold, Staple, Share: Highlights from the Brooklyn College Library Zine Collection, will run throughout the summer and fall semesters and will spotlight notable zines from the collection, as well as information about zine-making and zine culture.

The reading on July 31 will feature local Brooklyn zinesters Kate Angell, Elvis Bakaitis, Tommy Pico, and Kate Wadkins, as well as Brooklyn College students Afrah Ahmed, Emma Karin Eriksson, and Tzirel Norman, among others.

The Brooklyn College Library Zine Collection specializes in printed zines that relate to Brooklyn, zines by Brooklyn College students and alumni, zines about zines, and other zines that relate to the student body and curriculum of Brooklyn College. The Zine Collection was founded in 2011 by Alycia Sellie, Media and Cultural Studies Librarian at Brooklyn College Library, with assistance from two cohorts of summer zine interns: Devon Nevola and Robin Potter (2011), and Sarah Rappo and Erica Saunders (2012). Whenever possible, two copies of each zine are collected: one will be in the open browsing collection, accessible whenever the library is open; the other will be placed in Special Collections at the library, accessible by appointment.

For more information on the Brooklyn College Library Zine Collection, please contact Alycia Sellie or visit

Contact:  Alycia Sellie
Media and Cultural Studies Librarian
Brooklyn College Library                                                                                                          [email protected]
(718) 758-8217

About Alycia Sellie

Alycia Sellie is the Associate Librarian for Collections at the Graduate Center Library.
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